Krieg Eterna


Type: Jester Power

Effect Text: Set aside up to two of your units on the field until the start of the next round.

Flavor Text: Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as the night. When you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

Flavor Source: Sun Tsu, The Art of War

Artwork: The Battle of Austerlitz by François Gérard (1810)


Feint is primarily used to bluff and stall by pretending to commit units to the current round, only to set them aside for the next. It can also be used for damage control, in case you realize you will definitely not win the current round, and want to recycle your units into the next.

About the card:

The Battle of Austerlitz or "The Battle of the Three Emperors" is considered by many to be Napoleon's masterstroke putting him in the same league of generals as Hannibal or Alexander. The battle is featured prominently in Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace and serves as a turning point in that novel. For days before the battle, Napoleon feigned weakness by calling for an armistice and retreating from the Austerlitz heights. When the Austrian and Russian allied forces found out that they outnumbered the French army, they hurriedly went on the offensive. Unknown to the Allies, this was part of Napoleon's plan.

Napoleon in Coronation Robes by François Gérard (1805)

The French armies in the area that seemed to be retreating hurried back to the battlefield completing the ensnarement. At one point even the weather conspired in Napoleon's favor, when a thick fog concealed the French infantry from the Russian artillery until the French were almost on top of them. By the end of the battle, 30 thousand of the Allied army and nine thousand of the French army laid dead. After Napoleon's victory, the Allies sued for peace. Emperor Francis of Austria would dissolve the Holy Roman Empire the next year as it had failed in its purpose to protect Germany. The Austrians wanted to prevent Napoleon from seizing the title of Holy Roman Emperor but much of the damage had already been done (see also Retreat).